Bouquets et Frondaisons

Giclee reproductions of "Bouquets et Frondaisons" (Flowers and foliage), created by Émile-Allain Séguy and published in Paris by Charles Massin and in New York by Brentano's around 1925. This work contained 20 colour pochoir lithograph plates.

Our Giclee reproductions are printed on acid free cotton rag paper that is imported from England. The archival ink we use has a lightfastness rating of 200 years. This means it should not fade in our life time.  Both sizes on our site will fit standard frame sizes. All Seguy Pattern sets match in background and size. The wording is different at the top and bottom but they can pair with other set in the Seguy collection easy.

12 by 16 inches  for $55
18 by 24 inches  for $105